Wednesday, February 19, 2025

One Year 'Anniversary' Western E-Books Written By Roscoe Pond

ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY.... The Western E-Books written by Roscoe Pond. Thanks for purchasing over at Amazon. "The Gunshot Wound" and "Miss Kitty" (A pre-quel to "Gunsmoke). Coming up. A new Western E-Book which is set among the Navajo people of the Southwest.

Click poster below for E-Books.

By Roscoe Pond.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Reader Review 'The Gunshot Wound' 4-out-of-5 Stars

THE GUNSHOT WOUND an E-BOOK at AMAZON. This is my first book and it's a Western set in 1879. It is an extension of my film screenplay.

Reader Review... 4-out-of-5 Stars. "Well Worth Reading."

"A firebug, killers, cowboys, bordellos, and plenty of whiskey. What could go wrong? It's old Arizona, and passions run high in a very convincing story with some very interesting characters. You'll hate some and love some. There's an air of authenticity fueled by the violent history of the area around Tucson in the Territory of Arizona. But the story is about some people who struggled to live, love, and survive." TM

E-Book can be downloaded to all computer platforms for $3.99.

Click the logo above for E-Book at Amazon.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

An E-Book Western 'The Gunshot Wound' 2024

Hello everyone - 

"The Gunshot Wound" is a Western Film Screenplay I wrote a few years back. I had shopped it around to producers without success. I even tried to attach a "star" to the project. I organized an "actor table read" to help with rewrites.

I expanded on the story and characters while turning it into a book. (Albeit an E-Book). It has been released on Amazon Kindle as an Action Western. I still hope to make it into a movie. Stay tuned because I have other Western scripts too. 

Click on the Logo below for my E-BOOK over at AMAZON.